
White Teeth Scam: Celebrity White Teeth

Consumer News Reporter has the story of Amy, a Boston school teacher who made her teeth whiter with free trial samples of Celebrity White Teeth and save money. However the truth is another story. Read the fine print first!

The Consumer News Reporter is an advertisement site with ad links on several major web sites. They advertise with quotes like "Mom get whites teeth without going broke!" or something similar.

The link tells a story about Amy, an average mother who needed whiter teeth but did not want to spend a great deal of money. So she used free trial samples of Celebrity White Teeth to make her teeth white.

However, the fine print on the ads have another story. Celebrity White Teeth costs much more than the free trial ad implies. Here are the real costs from the ordering website.

The free trial is actually for a monthly membership program..

The 14 day trial offer for includes enrollment in our auto delivery program

The 14 day trial starts three days after the buyers order..

The 14-day trial period starts 3 days from the date you place your order

That trial sample will actually be charged to your credit card after the trial ends..

If you do not cancel, and your trial order included a one-month supply of the product, we will charge $54.95 on the day after your trial period ends

Celebrity White Teeth then keeps coming every month..

your trial period ends to the card you provided at checkout and you will continue with the auto delivery program.

And buyers will still be charged every month..

about 30 days after we charge you for the first month’s supply, we will charge $54.95 (the cost for the month’s supply) to the card you provided at checkout.

Buyers can cancel Celebrity White Teeth by calling the following number..


But will be charged for used portions of the product.

Buyers of any product online, including Celebrity Teeth White, should be aware of the fine print and liability of purchasing this product online. There are high monthly costs.

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